Submit Your Blog At

With over 1.3 billion people, China has the world’s largest population and according to a Forbes report, China surpasses US in internet use. Reaching over 162 million internet users as of June 2007, China has the world’s second largest internet population. A statistics that can’t be ignored by online entrepreneurs. Given the enormous number of internet users, it is therefore not surprising to find out that, China’s most popular search engine, is ranked as the 5th most popular website in the world. The fact is, there are more people who are using Baidu, than Yahoo, MSN Live and Ask to search the internet. Hence, appearing from Baidu’s search result is a great potential source of traffic to your blog. Today’s post answers why and how you should submit your blog at

Why Should You Submit Your Blog To

Probably, you don’t care submiting to Baidu for several reasons. Firstly, is a Chinese search engine and most Chinese don’t understand English. Since your blog is written in English, it will be of no use to them. Secondly, your target readers are from a certain geographic location (e.g. United States of America, United Kingdom). And lastly, you don’t understand Chinese so probably you won’t understand the submission procedures of Baidu.

Since China has embraced globalization, it has welcomed foreign languages especially English. As China prepares to host the 2008 Beijing Olympics, the Chinese government launched a massive campaign to teach English to its citizens. Assuming that the trend of studying English continues in China, China will soon be the largest English speaking country in the world.

Regarding targeting specific geographic location, I don’t see any reason why you should deprive your blog of traffic from other countries especially from regions where the Alexa toolbar is widely used. Submitting your blog to will take you less than 1 minute. Simply enter your blog’s URL and a enter the verification code and you’re done. That’s how easy it is.

Simple Steps In Submitting Your Blog To

  • CLICK HERE to submit your blog/website.
  • Enter your blog’s URL just like it’s shown in the picture. Enter the verfication code and hit the gray button.
    enter your URL and verification code then hit the gray button
  • You should see this message confirming that you’ve submitted your blog’s URL successfully.
    successful submission to

  • Now that you’re done, you will have to wait for Baidu’s crawler to visit and index your blog or you can submit your blog to other search engines.

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